
Showing posts from April, 2020

How Stormwater Harvesting Helps in Pollution Mitigation

Human actions and choices can go a long way in impacting our environment. Over the years of rapid urbanization, we had destroyed the natural ecosystem in cities. Due to the wide-spread jungle of concrete, stormwater management emerged as a challenge before the urbanites. The impervious surfaces not just interfered in the natural process of surface water recharging, but also became a major cause of waterlogging and water pollution. When stormwater passes through impervious surfaces, it carries away many pollutants and micro-nutrients. These pollutants are then deposited into the nearby water bodies, thereby degrading the water quality and disturbing the aquatic ecosystem. The pollution created by stormwater passing through impervious urban surfaces is called non-point source pollution and accounts for the largest source of water pollution. The major NPS pollutants include the following: Pesticides Motor vehicle contaminants Nutrient sediments Road salt Heavy metals ...

How to manage stormwater in a residential colony?

Stormwater management is a big challenge around the world because it continues to affect the quality and quantity of water. With rapid commercial development and urbanization, it is challenging to store, treat, and monitor the stormwater runoff from the urban localities without upgrading the local drainage system. Failure in managing stormwater might cause waterlogging, soil erosion, and water pollution. The impervious surfaces in cities are often dirty and comprise pesticides, oil, debris and dirt. The stormwater may carry away these pollutants to the nearby water body, thereby affecting the quality of water and the lives of creatures living inside. Moreover, the impervious surfaces in cities prevent the natural process of rainwater harvesting. Considering the intensity of the problem, it is important to use stormwater management technology and apply stormwater management practices. Here are some useful tips in this regard: 1) Detection and elimination of illicit discharge To a...

Source Control: An important technique for stormwater management

Stormwater management is a big problem in cities because there is a lack of impervious surfaces. In a natural setting, most of the rainwater gets absorbed by the soil. But cities are a jungle of concrete; therefore, stormwater runoff has to be discharged as fast as possible to avoid flooding. This principle has to be implemented in the design of sewer systems. Let's explore the strategies involved in the management of stormwater. To manage stormwater in urban areas, it is important to use attenuation tanks and soakaway. If all the load of stormwater management is left alone on the sewer system, then it will require a huge investment in wastewater treatment plans. Moreover, by doing this, you will be preventing groundwater recharging in your area. Hence, the attitude towards stormwater management practices should be changed.  Instead of discharging the water directly to the sewer, let it be absorbed by the soakaway. Moreover, the extra runoff should be directed to the unde...

Why is stormwater management so important?

Stormwater is any precipitation falling from the sky, including rain and storm. In a natural setting, stormwater is absorbed by the ground and the plants. But in cities, there are impervious surfaces all around and plants are scarce too. Therefore, stormwater may create a flood-like situation. Plus, it might carry away the various pollutants on the ground to the nearby water body. To avoid all the problems caused by stormwater, it is mandatory to install a  stormwater attenuation system . The traditional stormwater attenuation system comprised a pond to collect the stormwater. In modern urban areas, it is not possible to dig ponds everywhere. Therefore, the modern approach to stormwater management is based on using an underground stormwater attenuation tank.  In cities, installing a stormwater attenuation system is very important because it accumulates pollutants from paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops. Pollutants carried by stormwater can cause negativ...

Explore the Uses of Stormwater Attenuation System and Its Types 

Severe storm and rainfall is a cause of concern for all of us. Waterlogging may damage social infrastructure facilities up to a great extent and may also cause several contagious diseases. So, there should be something that could protect us from the damage and chaos caused by the storms and the rising level of floodwater. And,   stormwater attenuation system  is the ultimate way to prevent waterlogging and flood. Let’s find out about it in this article.  Usage of stormwater attenuation system Stormwater attenuation is the process of capturing rainwater and releasing it slowly into the main drainage system. A heavy storm can damage everything downstream and the rainwater will drain away everything lying in its path, which will result in flooding of lower-lying areas severely. Once these areas reach saturation, the rainwater will stop to run off. However, if it is seized in huge tanks and released slowly, the flooding can be prevented. And, the floodwater can be c...