Why is stormwater management so important?

Stormwater is any precipitation falling from the sky, including rain and storm. In a natural setting, stormwater is absorbed by the ground and the plants. But in cities, there are impervious surfaces all around and plants are scarce too. Therefore, stormwater may create a flood-like situation. Plus, it might carry away the various pollutants on the ground to the nearby water body. To avoid all the problems caused by stormwater, it is mandatory to install a stormwater attenuation system. The traditional stormwater attenuation system comprised a pond to collect the stormwater. In modern urban areas, it is not possible to dig ponds everywhere. Therefore, the modern approach to stormwater management is based on using an underground stormwater attenuation tank. 
In cities, installing a stormwater attenuation system is very important because it accumulates pollutants from paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops. Pollutants carried by stormwater can cause negative impacts on our environment, such as causing habitat modification, increasing flooding, a decrease in aquatic biological diversity, and an increase in soil erosion.
Stormwater attenuation system provides the following benefits:
1) Protection of aquatic ecosystems
2) Prevention of water pollution
3) Prevention of flooding
When building residential complexes and other structures, it is important to install a stormwater attenuation system. It helps in controlling the volume and velocity of stormwater and helps in flood risk management. Moreover, it is important in maintaining the base flow in nearby water bodies. Therefore, it replenishes the drinking water supply and eliminates erosion. The stormwater attenuation system helps in supporting both ecosystem and community health.
Before creating a stormwater management system, you should prepare a stormwater management plan. It can help you in the following ways:
1) Improving budget coordination and stormwater-related spending
2) Reducing flooding risks on roads
3) Reducing environmental impact risks
4) Reducing water quality issues in receiving water bodies
5) Establishing processes and contingencies to address emergency issues 


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