How to manage stormwater in a residential colony?

Stormwater management is a big challenge around the world because it continues to affect the quality and quantity of water. With rapid commercial development and urbanization, it is challenging to store, treat, and monitor the stormwater runoff from the urban localities without upgrading the local drainage system. Failure in managing stormwater might cause waterlogging, soil erosion, and water pollution. The impervious surfaces in cities are often dirty and comprise pesticides, oil, debris and dirt. The stormwater may carry away these pollutants to the nearby water body, thereby affecting the quality of water and the lives of creatures living inside. Moreover, the impervious surfaces in cities prevent the natural process of rainwater harvesting.

Considering the intensity of the problem, it is important to use stormwater management technology and apply stormwater management practices. Here are some useful tips in this regard:

1) Detection and elimination of illicit discharge

To avoid the harmful impacts of stormwater in your area, it is important to detect the major sources of illicit discharge and plan a stormwater management system accordingly. This includes chalking out a storm sewer system map, training field staff in identifying illicit discharges, and tracing the source of identified illicit discharges.

2) Apply land escaping techniques

Major stormwater risks can be managed by making changes to the landscape features, such as pavement, soil surfaces and other landscape features. If possible, take an active role in planning your site design before construction. The idea of applying land escaping techniques is to allow maximum absorption of rainwater naturally and avoid waterlogging. 

3) Install proper stormwater attention system

Underground stormwater attenuation tanks help in managing the flow of stormwater by collecting it in one place. Once water is stored in this tank, it can be discharged to the main drainage system at a controlled rate. Storing the rainwater in a domestic attenuation tank gives you the chance to check its quality and apply proper filtration techniques before discharging.

4) Apply Green Infrastructure practices

Trees, plants and natural resources can absorb excess rain water, while also helping in recharging groundwater. Moreover, they can naturally reduce the amount of pollution in waterways. Green infrastructure practices can also help in conserving water while preserving water quality. Green infrastructure practices include green roofs, permeable pavements, vegetative swales, rain gardens, rooftop (downspout) disconnection, and urban tree canopies. 

Conclusion- To manage stormwater in your residential locality, it is important to identify and eliminate the source of illicit discharge. Moreover, it is important to apply land escaping techniques, install a proper stormwater attenuation tank, and apply green infrastructure practices.


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