Source Control: An important technique for stormwater management

Stormwater management is a big problem in cities because there is a lack of impervious surfaces. In a natural setting, most of the rainwater gets absorbed by the soil. But cities are a jungle of concrete; therefore, stormwater runoff has to be discharged as fast as possible to avoid flooding. This principle has to be implemented in the design of sewer systems. Let's explore the strategies involved in the management of stormwater.

To manage stormwater in urban areas, it is important to use attenuation tanks and soakaway. If all the load of stormwater management is left alone on the sewer system, then it will require a huge investment in wastewater treatment plans. Moreover, by doing this, you will be preventing groundwater recharging in your area. Hence, the attitude towards stormwater management practices should be changed. 

Instead of discharging the water directly to the sewer, let it be absorbed by the soakaway. Moreover, the extra runoff should be directed to the underground attenuation tank. The water stored in this tank can be discharged into the main drainage system at a controlled rate. Storing the stormwater into a domestic stormwater attenuation tank also allows you to reuse it after proper filtration.

To achieve the aim of on-site stormwater management, it is important to install a proper flood attenuation system. It helps in slowing down the rate at which surface water enters the drainage system or watercourse, thereby reducing the risk of downstream flooding. The main functions of this system are as follows:

• Treatment of polluted runoff by surface infiltration

• Storage of the first flush of rainwater runoff within the grass

• Groundwater recharge by infiltration from the trench into the surrounding soil

Conclusion- The above-mentioned approach is mainly directed to managing the surface runoff water and allowing maximum groundwater recharge. In general, the stormwater attenuation system can be tailored in different ways to suit the specific requirements of the project.


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