Explore the Uses of Stormwater Attenuation System and Its Types 

Severe storm and rainfall is a cause of concern for all of us. Waterlogging may damage social infrastructure facilities up to a great extent and may also cause several contagious diseases. So, there should be something that could protect us from the damage and chaos caused by the storms and the rising level of floodwater. And, stormwater attenuation system is the ultimate way to prevent waterlogging and flood. Let’s find out about it in this article. 

Usage of stormwater attenuation system
Stormwater attenuation is the process of capturing rainwater and releasing it slowly into the main drainage system. A heavy storm can damage everything downstream and the rainwater will drain away everything lying in its path, which will result in flooding of lower-lying areas severely. Once these areas reach saturation, the rainwater will stop to run off. However, if it is seized in huge tanks and released slowly, the flooding can be prevented. And, the floodwater can be controlled and released at a specific rate to drain away.  

Types of stormwater attenuation tanks & equipment
To capture and store floodwaters, the Stormwater Attenuation system is used, where water is released slowly into their natural drainage pathways. It should be capable enough to trap, store as well as release water when needed. 
1. Elevator: This system elevates the level of the ground and makes a place where floodwaters can be stored in a tank which is easy to build in the required shape. These tanks could be up to 2.5m deep.  
2. Stormwater Crates: It is an ideal system for groundwater infiltration that works just like the elevator system. The system allows up to 97% of their occupied space to be filled with water. These systems are a lower-capacity solution that is easy to set up, fast, and inexpensive. 
Other than these two options, you can use Storm Water Attenuation Tanks and Soakaway Crates to store the floodwater. However, the above-mentioned methods can simply collect water from their surrounding areas. 


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