Stormwater Attenuation Systems for Residential Properties

If you are building a new house in the UK or Ireland, then apart from other compliances set by the government, you need to abide by the rule of maintaining stormwater neutrality. This means the peak of stormwater flow discharged from your site is not greater than the flow before development. This is often difficult to achieve this because due to impervious surfaces all around, the natural stormwater management system is disturbed.

To manage the quality, quantity, and flow of stormwater falling on your house, you need to implement the following measures:

1) Install a stormwater attenuation system 

A stormwater attenuation system hinges on the ability to detain stormwater and diverting its flow to the stormwater drainage system at a moderate rate. It comprises a stormwater attenuation tank that can be installed underground, even in high traffic areas, such as car parks.

The domestic attenuation tank can effectively collect stormwater falling on the roof and other impervious surfaces. Once water is detained in this tank, it can be diverted to the nearby Greenfield areas or storm drains by using a flow control device.

Detaining the water in a tank also gives us the freedom to manage the quality of stormwater discharged to the storm drains. Therefore, apart from preventing waterlogging, it also helps in mitigating stormwater pollution.

Installing a stormwater attenuation plant is the most cost-efficient and effective way to prevent the adverse impacts of stormwater overflow.

2) Implement green infrastructure technique

Green infrastructure practices combine the use of soil and green plants to restore the natural hydrological balance. The common examples of GI practices include vegetated rooftops, roadside plantings, rain gardens, and absorbent gardens. All these measures focus on capturing, filtering, and mitigating stormwater flow. Plus, it also influences the natural process of groundwater recharging.

Conclusion- To achieve stormwater neutrality, it is imperative to install stormwater attenuation systems on a residential campus. Apart from that, it is important to implement green infrastructure practices.


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