Natural Solutions to Stormwater Management

Heavy rainfall can be problematic in urban areas due to the lack of a natural rainwater management system. In a natural setting, soil soaks most of the rainwater and the green habitats support this. But with an increased amount of impervious surfaces, large quantities of rainwater might cause flooding. To eliminate this problem, residential communities and municipalities are focusing on reducing stormwater runoff by installing stormwater attenuation system. It eliminates the chances of waterlogging by collecting the runoff into the stormwater attenuation tank and then diverting the water into the nearest water body via the main drainage system.
Diverting the runoff water into rivers might cause water pollution because this water might carry numerous pollutants from the surface. So, it is important to filter the water before diverting it into the river. Well, this requires increasing the size of underground pipes, holding tanks, and the capacity of the sewage treatment plants- all of which would cost millions of dollars. Alternatively, some greener and cheaper solutions can be considered. Well, trees and forests can reduce stormwater runoff and pollution in several ways, which are mentioned below.
1. Canopy Interception
Trees support the natural process of rainfall evaporation. On average, an interception by deciduous trees can be up to 1000 gallons of rainwater. And, for this purpose, large canopy trees provide more benefits than smaller trees.
2. Infiltration and Groundwater Recharge
Trees and forests support the infiltration of rainwater into the soil. To increase the natural process of infiltration, a well can be dig. This well can be filled with porous natural materials to increase the ground's infiltration capacity.
3. Use of Water Consumers
Research shows that about 60% of rainfall is taken up by trees and transpired back into the atmosphere. Due to lack of trees, streams continue to receive an additional load of water during the rainy season. Thus, to avoid flooding, it is important to plant more trees.
4. Pollutant Removal
Trees are great at using nitrates, phosphates, and other pollutants, such as heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and solvent oils. They absorb these micropollutants from the soil and store them in their wood.
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