General Ideas For Stormwater Management

Stormwater management is the way to reduce water runoff at the time of heavy snowfall, rainfall or flood. By letting the excess water to be collected in a stormwater attenuation tank or by letting the stormwater absorbed into the soil, the excess water can be absorbed. When stormwater is absorbed into the ground, it is filtered through different layers of soil, ultimately increasing the groundwater level and increasing the flow into streams and rivers. But sometimes, due to heavy rainwater, the ground becomes saturated and the excess moisture runs across the surface and into storm sewers.
To manage stormwater, every residential colony or building should comprise a well-designed stormwater attenuation system. Otherwise, excess rainwater or stormwater can cause flooding, erosion, and sanitary sewer system overflow, and infrastructure damage. To manage excess stormwater, it’s important to restore natural hydrologies and reuse stormwater. The main purpose of stormwater management is detaining stormwater and removing pollutants. Here are some effective ways to manage stormwater:
1) Eliminating gutter and curbs
Gutters and curbs transport water to a stormwater drain quite fast, that too without allowing for pollutants removal or infiltration. Now, if you eliminate gutters and curbs, it reduces runoff volumes. In order to prevent soil erosion, a level spreader is used, which transforms concentrated runoff into sheet flow and distributes it uniformly across a slope.
2) Grassed swales
These are shallow outlets that are covered with grass and helps in slowing down runoff, thereby facilitating infiltration. The success of grass swales depends on soil type, the imperviousness of the watershed and the slopes of the grassed swale.
3) Infiltration trenches
Infiltration trenches are filled with rocks and comprise no channels. The stormwater is collected in these trenches through infiltration. By using these trenches along with the stormwater tank, inlet filter, tank, and other devices, it’s easy to manage excess water flow.
Apart from the above-mentioned techniques, inlet protection devices and permeable pavements are used to create a stormwater management system.


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