What Is Stormwater Attenuation Solution And How It Works?

Stormwater attenuation solution is the process of storing excess stormwater or floodwater. It refers to a manmade system that controls the water, store it in a tank, and releases it at a restricted rate. Practically, every residential building must comprise a stormwater attenuation tank to avoid waterlogging and flooding. The tank is covered by constructing a hard surface (roofs, patios, driveways, etc.), which can be further used for car parking. In case of increased runoff, the natural soakage and vegetation around the tank can slow the runoff. Stormwater Attenuation Solution by Carlow Concrete The effects of increased runoff on stormwater attenuation solution Sometimes, an increase in water flow can have many effects on the stormwater attenuation system, including increased surface water, flood, and possible flooding potential. It might increase the stress on the piped network, leading to it failing earlier. Moreover, sometimes the water force might cause s...