Know About Stormwater Attenuation & Its Types And Equipment
Stormwater Attenuation is a technique to store rainwater and release it slowly. When a storm hits somewhere it brings flood so to capture that rainwater, this system is used. The stormwater is stored in big containers and release slowly at a specific rate so that runoff could be controlled. Types Of Stormwater Attenuation Tanks & Equipment An ideal system should be able to store floodwaters, releasing it slowly into drainage pathways. For this, there are many ways are used such as- Elevator: An elevator enhances the level of the ground and makes a space beneath so that stormwater could store, using a tank that is flexible and could be built with ease according to required shapes. The tank should be deep up to 2.5m and should be inspected by experts. Stormwater Crates: It works similar to ‘elevator’ but ideal for groundwater infiltration. Here, 97% of space is filled with water so capturing stormwater is easy with this. This isa low- capacity sol...